grtlover.txt HOW YOU CAN BECOME A GREAT LOVER I first came to this country from Sweden about six years ago. I have stayed because I find you Americans, as a people, fascinating. As you in your language say, you're so fucked up. About many things, but especially about sex. Your women complain that you are a nation of lousy lays and as a sexologist, I have examined enough case histories to suspect that they are very correct. Of course, most of them are lousy lays, too. But that is another question altogether. What I wish to say to you now is that there is no reason for you not to satisfy your women in the bedroom. So I will tell you, step by step, how to go from being a lousy lay to being, as you say, a "super stud!" First, you must get rid of false modesty about the body. The body is not ugly, nasty, or obscene. Get into the habit of going around naked. Join a nudist colony, if one is near you. But at least go naked around the house where your woman can see you and be used to your naked body. Next, she must also rid herself of false modesty, and allow you to examine every inch of her lovely physical self. I talk to many men and tell them about the clitoris. Most of them have heard of it, but too many say, "I cannot find it." I ask them if they've looked in the right place and they say, "Looked? I've felt around for it." They expect to find the single most important organ for the woman's sexual pleasure by Braille? For shame!! Get down and examine your woman's pussy. Then, perhaps, you will know what you are doing! Also, if you want to be a super stud, you must give it the importance it deserves. Do not argue with me when I say too many of your countrymen don't really care about sex. It is true, and the evidence confirms it! How could you really care about something you try to squeeze into 15 minutes between the late show and falling asleep? Something you only try when you are so tired you can barely hold your head, much less your prick, up? Something you attempt, more often than not, after so many drinks even Superman couldn't stay hard? And yet you say sex is important to you? As that wonderful American saying has it: "BULLSHIT!" Forget television one night. After the dinner dishes are done, begin to caress your woman. Then leave her and take a leisurely bath. You showered that morning? So what; bathe again. A smelly lover is not a welcome lover. Then, both of you go to bed at eight or nine o'clock. There's a program on that you wanted to see? Forget it! (or better yet, tape it!). Some friends call inviting you out? Be nice, but decline. Next time perhaps you will have the good sense to rip the phone out of the wall! Once you have devoted a whole evening to love, rather than just a few hurried minutes, you will never again try to put unimportant things ahead of sex. The nice thing about having enough time, together with an appreciation of your bodies as instruments of sexual pleasure, is that you can both give and receive pleasure at a leisurely pace. Not even a master violinist would try to play his instrument without tuning. So too you should not try to make love without the foreplay which will turn your woman into a passionate receptacle and you into a battering ram of desire. If there is a single cause of man's sexual failure, it is that he does not devote sufficient time and energy into exciting the woman. He tries to do it all with his prick, does not last long enough, and so leaves her unsatisfied. If, however, had had excited her first with his hands, lips and tongue; if he had at least taken her close to the first orgasm, or even through that first one or even several, how much of a difference it would make! Now she is ready to fully receive him. Now, if he cannot last very long, it is not a tragedy, for she has already been made ready by his kisses and caresses. She is satisfied. Also, the more often they make love, the longer the man will last. And, when he becomes the super stud every man CAN be, making love will become such a glorious experience that they will enjoy its pleasures very often indeed!